Spanish Flan / Ispaniškas desertas „Flan“

This Spanish dessert “Flan“ literally melts in your mouth. Perhaps it is one of the tastiest Spanish sweets. Dessert is very light, mild flavor and it can simply disappear in a minute. In Spain these desserts are available in each store, in various sizes and there are a variety of flavors, but the classic taste is always vanilla, and, for me personally, vanilla flan, is the most delicious.

The dessert cooking process is quite fast, it just takes longer when dessert is baking, and, of course, until it gets cold. You’ll get 3 small desserts according to my recipe, but if you like this kind of desserts, then you should double or triple the portion. The most important moment of preparation process is caramel – you shouldn’t overheat it, since then caramel can simply burn and you’ll need to make it again. Thus, when the caramel starts boiling, then keep an eye on it – when it gets nice brown color, then turn off the heat and immediately pour into baking forms.

According to the recipe everything has to succeed, because if I am able to make it, for sure you’ll be successful as well! Enjoy 😉





Spanish Flan / Ispaniškas desertas “Flan“

{3 little flans}


3 eggs

250 ml milk

3 tbsp. granulated sugar

1 tsp. vanilla extract


3 tbsp. sugar

2 tbsp. water

1/2 tsp. lemon juice


  1. First prepare the caramel. Pour sugar, water and lemon juice in a pan. Heat it up over a medium heat until it starts boiling, then simmer for ~5 minutes, until caramel becomes brown in color. Just don’t overheat that the caramel wouldn’t get a bitter taste and burn. When the caramel becomes sufficiently brown, remove it from the heat and pour in 3 small baking forms, where you’ll bake the desserts. Leave it to cool down.
  2. Whisk the eggs lightly, gradually add sugar and whisk again. Mix in milk and vanilla essence.
  3. Pour the egg mixture through a sieve to remove any lumps. Then pour the batter evenly into baking forms with caramel.
  4. Preheat the oven to 175 C.
  5. Place desserts into a baking dish with higher edges, add water up to half of the height of the baking forms. Bake in a preheated oven for ~45-50 minutes, until the top of the dessert is no longer liquid.
  6. When desserts are done, remove the baking forms from the baking dish, leave them to cool down and place in a fridge for at least 4 hours. Then carefully cut around desserts with a knife, put a plate on a flan and gently shake the baking form that flan would drop out. Enjoy your meal!


Ispaniškas desertas „Flan“

Burnoje tirpstantis ispaniškas desertas “Flan“ tai turbūt vienas skaniausių ispaniškų saldumynų. Desertas labai lengvas, švelnaus skonio ir pagaminus gali dingti tiesiog akimirksniu. Ispanijoje šių desertų galima įsigyti kiekvienoje parduotuvėje, įvairaus dydžio ir įvairių skonių, bet klasikinis skonis visuomet yra vanilės, ir, man asmeniškai, vanilinis flan, yra pats skaniausias.

Šio deserto pats gaminimo procesas yra gana greitas, ilgiau užtrunka, kol desertas iškepa, ir, žinoma, kol atšąla. Iš mano pateikto recepto gausite 3 nedidelius desertus, bet jei mėgstate tokio tipo skanumynus, tuomet dvigubinkite ar trigubinkite porciją. Svarbiausias momentas gaminimo procese yra karamelė, jos nereikia perkaitinti, nes tuomet karamelė gali tiesiog susvilti ir reikės gaminti iš naujo. Tad, kai gaminsite karamelę, jai užvirus stebėkite, kada ši įgaus rudą spalvą, tuomet nukelkite nuo ugnies ir iškart pilstykite į indelius.

Pagal receptą viskas turi pavykti, nes jei pavyko man, būtinai viskas šauniai pavyks ir Jums! Skanaus 😉

{3 nedideli desertai}


3 kiaušinių

250 ml pieno

3 valg. š. cukraus

1 arb. š. vanilės ekstrakto


3 valg. š. cukraus

2 valg. š. vandens

0,5 arb. š. citrinos sulčių


  1. Pirmiausia pasiruošiame karamelę. Į keptuvę supilame cukrų, vandenį ir citrinos sultis, nemaišomę. Kaitiname ant vidutinės ugnies, kol užverda, tuomet dar pakaitiname ~5 min, kad karamelė įgautų rudą spalvą. Tik neperkaitinkite, kad karamelė neįgautų kartaus skonio ir nesudegtų. Kuomet karamelė pasidaro pakankamai rudos spalvos, tuomet nukelkite nuo ugnies ir supilkite į 3 mažus indelius, kuriuose kepsite desertą. Palikite atšalti.
  2. Kiaušinius lengvai išplakite su šluotele. Tada pamažu supilkite cukrų ir išplakite. Įmaišykite pieną ir vanilės esenciją.
  3. Kiaušinių masę nukoškite per sietelį, kad neliktų jokių gumulėlių. Po to supilstykite tolygiai į indelius.
  4. Įkaitinkite orkaitę iki 175 C.
  5. Indelius sudėkite į kepimo indą aukštesniais kraštais, įpilkite vandens iki pusės indelių aukščio. Kepkite įkaitintoje orkaitėje ~45-50 min, kol deserto viršus nebebus skystas.
  6. Kai desertai iškeps, išimkite iš kepimo indo, palikite atvėsti ir dėkite į šaldytuvą bent 4 h. Po to aplink desertą atsargiai apipjaukite peiliu, ant deserto viršaus uždėkite lėkštę ir apverskite. Atsargiai pakratykite indelį, kad desertas iškristų. Skanaus!

Komentarų: 54 Pridėkite savo

  1. Flan is one of my favorite desserts to make! This looks like an excellent recipe…beautiful pictures!

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thank you 🙂 The recipe is very basic and simple, so that kind of recipes are the best 🙂

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

      1. Yes…the best kind to make! Plus, it doesn’t make a huge amount!!

        Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

      2. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

        haha, that’s for sure! 🙂

        Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  2. PriyaPandian parašė:

    Looks very lovely and yummy 😋😋
    I make this including bread👍

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      oh yess, this is a great and very tasty dessert! 🙂

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  3. These look beautiful and delicious!! Great job! 🙂

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thanks a lot for your nice words Molly 🙂 Appreciate it 😉

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  4. Jessica parašė:

    That looks amazing !

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  5. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

    Thanks Jessica! 🙂


  6. Joëlle parašė:

    This is such a delicious dessert! I learned it from my (French) mom but she never taught me to put the egg mixture through a sieve; great tip! I haven’t been able to satisfactorily replicate it with non dairy milk… yet!
    You have a very nice blog. Keep it going!
    Thank you for following mine 😊

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thanks so much for your nice words! 🙂 That means a lot to me 🙂 Oh, that tip maes the flan very smooth 😉 Your blog is beautiful, love your recipes! 🙂 And I love French cuisine a lot, sometimes I think you guys invented the best food ever 🙂

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

      1. Joëlle parašė:

        Thank YOU 😊 But you know, trying to make French cuisine gluten and dairy free is next to impossible… That’s why I have to come up with my own recipes…

        Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

      2. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

        Oh I bet, but you know, there is nothing impossible in cooking 😉

        Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  7. RealLifeWithLou parašė:

    Your pictures are absolutely stunning!!

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 2 asmenims

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thank you so much! 🙂 Still learning 🙂 🙂


  8. elle parašė:

    This looks stunning! I’ve never had flan before, but the appearance reminds me a lot of what they call “purin“ in Japan. I wonder if they taste the same! 🙂

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Never heard about purin, but to try you can prepare this flan very easily, then you’ll be able to compare 😉🌸 it tastes great anyways 😊

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  9. A_Boleyn parašė:

    Flan is delicious.

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 2 asmenims

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Yep, and so easy to make 😊👏🌸

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

      1. A_Boleyn parašė:

        I’ve made it many times. 🙂

        Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  10. Amazing pictures. I have never been a big fan of flan, it always tastes burnt to me. The flan in the pictures do not look burnt at all. Lovely really.

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thank you for your nice words! 😊🌼 Well, maybe the ones you ate, the caramel was over done, because that brown color depends how​ long the caramel was boiled 😉☺ but mine tasted great, no burnt taste 👏☺

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  11. Sabine parašė:

    The Spanish version to Crème caramel, one of my all time favorites. Beautiful!

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thank you! 🙂 I love it too! 🙂


  12. ravenousrasoi parašė:


    Paspaudė "Patinka": 2 asmenims

  13. Sandra parašė:

    Delicious ! 🙂


    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thank you! 🙂

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  14. Bath Of Colours parašė:

    Love this !

    Please visit my blog, you might like it:


    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thank you 🙂 Your blog is very nice! 🙂

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

      1. Bath Of Colours parašė:

        Thank you so much darling! And so is yours! Hope to see you around xoxi

        Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  15. hafararisay parašė:

    like it

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thank you! 🙂

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  16. koriahweb parašė:


    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  17. jainisthomas parašė:

    Yummy, very nice and definitely this will be very tasty. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe with us, i will try it. People who want to taste some spicy and sweet dishes then you have a platform where you can find all type of dishes. Most Popular Food in India

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 2 asmenims

  18. koriahweb parašė:

    Great pictures!
    xoxo koriah

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thanks! 🙂

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  19. babl parašė:

    Reblogged this on Hello Creatives Times.

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  20. babl parašė:

    I plan to reblog your post in my blog Since you have enabled reblogging on your post, I am assuming that you are allowing others to reblog this post. However, if you have any objection to reblogging your post, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.

    Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thanks for reblogging! 🙂

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

      1. babl parašė:

        Thank you so much. 🙂

        Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

  21. SavouriesbyS parašė:

    This looks so good! Def a must make


    1. lithuanianintheusa parašė:

      Thank you! ☀😊

      Paspaudė "Patinka": 1 person

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